Can’t wait to just go get it? HERE IT IS!
I decided this year that I will start making some prints that are a little more personalised and special. I’ll be printing them myself at A5 size on really nice Ilford Galerie Cotton Rag stock. I love how they printed out on this Cotton Rag stock. The print is really dark and saturated and looks even better than the original art! These will be limited to an edition of only FIVE (5) prints per release.

The first one is officially out now and available at my site by clicking right here! This piece I have named Regrowth 2020 and features a very dark and broody looking skull bursting with new life. This is a strong theme that runs through a lot of my artwork, new growth emerging from death. Feel free to psychoanalyse me through my artwork.
Each of these prints is individually signed and numbered by me and includes a Certificate of Authenticity. I will include a free pack of stickers with this first release print as well.
There’s something really great about putting together a product on a more DIY basis and printing and trimming them all, creating the CoA, putting the packaging and stickers and everything all together. It feels like I’m closer to the product in some way and hopefully it will feel like that when you buy one.
Some Extra Info
I wanted to provide free postage to everyone in the world on these prints but the way shipping works at the moment, even sending a piece of paper this size as a large letter to the US costs over $10, which is insane. So I have made shipping free within Australia but a flat $10 to everywhere else in the world. I’ll still be covering some of the international shipping but have had to add some on there. Just want to be up front with you all on that. As much as I’d love to cover the shipping everywhere, it’s just a little too expensive for me right now.
The next print will become available either sometime after this first edition sells out, or I’ll set up an arbitrary period of time between print releases. Maybe a couple of months, depends how well they sell!
Thanks for checking it out, as always I appreciate all the support from my online community, and hope that if you came across my website via means other than being an existing Twitch watcher or Discord member you enjoy my work and are having a great time here on the site.

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